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ALFAVIT Our baby

ALFAVIT Our Baby Vitamin-mineral complex for children 1 to 3 years old

Contains all vitamins and necessary minerals.
Unlike other complexes it is developed, taking into account scientific recommendations on separate and combined intake of nutrients.

    As the result:
  • probability of allergic reactions is minimized.
  • a vitamin prophylaxis is more effective on the average 30-50%.
  • for improvement of appetite, normalization of sleep;
  • for reduction of irritability and nervous irritability;
  • for strengthening host defense;
  • for recovery after illness;
  • for stimulation of intellectual development.

Contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals.As most of products, intended for children under 3 years of age, are enriched with vitamins and minerals, ALFAVIT Our Baby contains some active components in the amount 60 -80% of the daily consumption rate. It allows avoid excess of the components under regular intake and at the same time provide a child with all necessary nutrients in the sufficient amount.

саше №1
Витамины   %
D3 5 мкг 50
Пантотеновая кислота 1,88 мг 75
B12 0,35 мкг 50
Фоливая кислота 40 мкг 40
Кальций 80 мг 10
саше №2
Витамины   %
Бета-каротин 1,35 мг 50*
E 2,8 мг 70
C 15,75 мг 35
B2 0,72 мг 80
Никотинамид (PP) 6,4 мг 80
B6 0,72 мг 80
Магний 8 мг 10
Йод 35 мкг 50
Цинк 3,5 мг 70
саше №3
Витамины   %
B1 0,6 мг 75
C 15,75 мг 35
Фолиевая кислота 40 мкг 40
Бета-каротин 1,35 мг 50*
Железо 5 мг 50
* - в пересчете на нормы суточной потребности в витамине А

A daily dosage is 3 different powders for preparation of a beverage. They should be given to a child with intervals: for example, in the morning, afternoon and evening. An intake order of the beverages during a day is not important.

Remember that a level of a vitamin and mineral deficiency is individual. As a rule, to solve a problem and make up a deficiency of nutrients 2-3 courses are required with the interval of 10-15 days between them.

Type of product
45 sachets

as a supplementary source of vitamins, macro- and microelements for children 1 to 3 years old.


individual hypersensitivity to the components

Not a medicine. Certificate of the state registration № № RU.Е.001937.10.10 on 15.10.2010.

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